Migration to Kublr 1.20.2 and ELK 7.10.2

Your upgrade to Kublr 1.20.2 must include the procedures described below.

Simultaneous Update of Kublr Control Plane

When upgrading a Kublr Control Plane, first upgrade the following fieature versions in the KCP cluster specification simulatzniously and wait for the KCP to update and recover:

  • kublrOperator: 1.20.2-40
  • ControlPlane: 1.20.2-95
  • System: 1.20.2-37
  • Ingress: 1.20.2-35
  • KubeDB: 1.20.2-36

After that you can update log collection and monitoring feature versions via UI.

Logging migration to ELK 7.10.2 from ELK 6.8.10

  1. Before updating log collection feature, go to Kibana Management menu and delete kublr*, kublr_default* index patterns

  2. After the new cluster specification update is applied and the helm charts are installed or upgraded, run the following command from the logging-controller pod:

    /sgadmin/tools/sgadmin.sh --delete-config-index -icl -nhnv \
        -cacert /sg-certificates/root-ca.pem \
        -cert /sg-certificates/sgadmin.pem \
        -key /sg-certificates/sgadmin.key \
  3. Trigger kublr-logging-sg-init CronJob in kubernetes dashboard or use the following commnand:

    kubectl create job kublr-logging-sg-init --from=cronjob/kublr-logging-sg-init -n kublr

Logging upgrade notice for custom defined values

Starting from Kublr 1.20.2, Hot/Warm/Cold nodes are supported for Elasticsearch, which led to updated structure of the logging feature values.

If custom values are used for logging feature in the Kublr cluster specification, it needs to be modified to follow the new structure:

  1. data/master nodes’ configuration parameters are moved to the nodeGroups section

  2. xpackEnabled flag is used to enable Elasticsearch XPack

Here is an example of the new cluster specification values structure for logging:

      xpackEnabled: true
            enabled: true
            storageClass: thin-disk
            enabled: true
            storageClass: thin-disk