Previously Kublr used the kublrAgentTgzUrl
definition to specify the full path to the Kublr agent binary (version folder and particular architecture file). For example:
Now the kublrAgentTgzUrl
definition is deprecated - starting from v1.25.0 Kublr is moving to a structured annotation: only versions of Kublr agent components are specified and a built-in logic decides which architecture to use:
kublrAgentRef: 1.22.17-4
kublrAgentRef: 1.25.6-4
Thus the new approach provides support for multiarchitecture as depending on the instance architecture, the corresponding architecture binary is automatically selected.
Kublr multiarchitecture support includes:
NOTE Multiarchitecture support is a functionality under development and will be further improved in the next releases of Kublr.
Consider the following steps to create a cluster with ARM nodes in GCP:
For GCP, select the ARM instances (t-series), for example t2a-standard-2
, t2a-standard-4
instanceType: t2a-standard-2
For the OS, change the sourceImage
to ARM type:
sourceImage: projects/ubuntu-os-cloud/global/images/family/ubuntu-2204-lts-ARM64
Consider the following steps to create a cluster with ARM nodes in Azure:
Select the ARM instances like Standard_D4ps_v5
, Standard_D4pls_v5
and modify spec as follows:
imageSku: 22_04-lts-ARM64
This is set both for master and working nodes if they both use ARM.